01 Jan Top Well-being tips for the Festive Season
Christmas is a wonderful time of year. It’s a time when love and joy are shared amongst family, friends and loved ones. It’s a time of amazement and wonder for children, excited about the imminent arrival of Santa Claus. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed and hope and dream for the year ahead. There is so much about the season that is to be embraced and enjoyed.
It is a season associated with varying emotions. For some, there may be feelings of joy, warmth and excitement. For others, it’s a time that can spark feelings of worry, loneliness and stress. Christmas brings a lot of expectations and demands (this year has already been a stressful year for many!).
It is a time when we experience all emotions more intensely and therefore it is important to be mindful of looking after our Well-being. By preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally for the holiday season we can aim to minimise any potential stresses and even experience more joy.
Follow the top tips below to support your Well-being over the festive season.
Disconnect to Reconnect
Disconnect from technology so you are present to fully reconnect with your nearest and dearest. As connection has a reciprocal benefit, this will not only benefit your loved ones but will benefit you too.
Practice Gratitude
Christmas marketing tells us we need to have more, do more and be more to fully experience Christmas. This can lead to us overlooking the good things that are in our lives and engaging in the scarcity mentality, always striving to have, do and be enough. List things each day that you are grateful for. There are so many things if we look for them.
Have realistic expectations of yourself and others
Could traditions that leave you broke, tired and overwhelmed be dropped this year? Unrealistic expectations add unnecessary pressure to you and to others.
Get Active
Get outdoors to reap the benefits of movement and fresh air for your mental and emotional health. It is a time when people spend more time together and so it is important to get some space and change perspective to avoid cabin fever setting in!
Christmas is a season when we can focus on meeting the needs of others and forgetting about our own needs. In sharing kindness over the season make sure to save some for yourself. Find at least one thing you can do to rest and recharge and make time to do it daily.